This post has been updated for 2024.
Regular coffee morning first Tuesday every month 10am—12.30pm
Which cake will tempt you at our coffee morning?

Join us for one of our regular mornings on the first Tuesday of every month at Lands Village Hall. We open to the community and visitors to provide a warm welcome, coffee, and—most importantly,—cakes!
Whether you want a quiet coffee reading a book, some friendly social interaction, or indulge in cake (who doesn’t), the first Tuesday of the month is the date to mark on your calendar. You can make it your regular stop on your Cockfield Fell walk, your cycle ride, or your dog walk. (Dogs, cats and cyclists are all very welcome).
We opened our coffee mornings for the first time on 2 May 2022 and they continue to be popular.
The coffee mornings support the village hall and all donations and contributions go towards the village hall fund, except for special charity events run twice per year to raise money for another worthwhile charity. The charity events are identified on our Facebook events diary, with the name of the nominated charity.
We offer real coffee, good tea, hot chocolate, soft drinks, and a range of cakes. Cake flavours may vary from day to day and your challenge will be to only have one slice! All drinks and cakes are just £1 each. We are developing a wider food menu, with toasted sandwiches, chips and other offerings available from time to time. Help us grow our menu by supporting us with our kitchen refurbishment.
Follow us on Facebook for more information and regular updates.
Find out about our regular programme of activities.
- Dog Day 2024 - 13 April 2024
- Annual General Meeting 2024 - 12 April 2024
- Lands receives shocking AED equipment - 7 March 2024