Bluefield Developments Coffee Morning: 2 May 2023 at 10am
Once again, Bluefield Developments will attend our regular Tuesday Coffee Morning on 2 May 2023 to discuss the community benefits of the proposed solar farm development at Bluestone Farm in Low Lands.
There will be a short presentation from Bluefield Developments and an opportunity for visitors to have their say about community benefits. Attendees can discuss the community benefits they would like to see from the proposed development directly with the developers. Residents previously suggested benefits might include a space for allotments, solar panels for affected homes, solar panels and batteries for the village hall, a community fund to support the village hall for the length of the solar farm, and environmental and ecological benefits. There are many community benefit options available and you have an opportunity to express your preferences at this coffee morning event with the people from Bluefield Developments. Have your say now, if you want to see your ideas added to the pool.
What’s on offer?
As always, Lands Village Hall continues to provide its usual coffee morning facilities. These include great tea, real coffee, amazing homemade cakes, and other refreshments for regulars and visitors alike. The choice of cakes available for this regular programme activity have not been set yet (requests may be considered). Perhaps, we will have our village favourite Lemon Drizzle, or the classic Fruit cake, or maybe a luxurious chocolate (but only while stocks last). Although your challenge will be to only have one slice! Besides the refreshments, we offer our usual warm, friendly atmosphere where everyone feels welcome.
The coffee mornings help to support Lands Village Hall. They provide valuable contributions to our funds to allow us to further our aims and support our services.
Meanwhile, we will have our regular Book Xchange table available, offering pre–owned books for new homes, for only £1 each.
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- Dog Day 2024 - 13 April 2024
- Annual General Meeting 2024 - 12 April 2024
- Lands receives shocking AED equipment - 7 March 2024