Lands Village Hall supports and promotes a vibrant community in the Lands and Morley area. This includes High Lands, Low Lands, Morley, and Lands Bank areas of Teesdale in the North East of England.
The village hall is an accessible, welcoming space. It is available to enjoy many activities, such as:
- social, educational, and fitness groups;
- support groups and interest clubs; and,
- community events.
The hall is available for hire at very affordable rates. Rather than offering the hall at hourly rates, our hall can be hired for a morning, afternoon, or evening sessions with flexibility for extended hours or multiple sessions. This approach offers you flexibility without significant cost.
The current management committee has broadly stayed the same since taking over in March 2020 and has overseen significant investment in upgrading and maintaining the village hall for use by the community and visitors. We remain committed to upgrading our facilities and maintaining the building for future generations.
Hire the hall
The hall is available for hire by the local community and more broadly by anyone wishing to engage with the local community.

We offer an accessible car park, accessible entrance, fully–equipped commercial–style kitchen, a hall measuring approximately 9.2m × 6.2m (30′ × 20.3′), and toilet facilities, including accessible toilet. Also, we have access to public spaces and outdoor facilities in the vicinity.

Lands Village Hall is located in the heart of High Lands village, DL13 5AR, which is a rural location on local bus routes and within driving distance of local urban centres at Barnard Castle and Bishop Auckland. It is an ideal location for countryside pursuits, such as walking, exercising, photography, local history, cycling, etc. And our hall offers great facilities for activity based hall hires.
The hall’s capacity is 80–120, depending upon the type of event and layout. The hall is available for many activities, for example keep fit classes, coffee mornings, social gatherings, open/public meetings, conferences, meetings and market–style events.
You can become a member of the Lands Village Hall Association for a nominal fee. Membership entitles you to many benefits, including reduced hire charges and entrance fees for some events.
Membership is available to residents of our catchment area, non-residents, and affiliating organisations.
The association is the membership body of the trust; it is from this body that an AGM elects our trustees and management team. Above all, to participate in the trust as a trustee or officer of the trust, or to vote at an AGM, you must be a fully–paid member of the association. Affiliate Organisations cannot stand as officers or trustees, although they may send a representative to the AGM and vote.
Help Lands Village Hall
The hall enjoys the support of the local community around Lands and Morley. Trustees and supporters manage the venue, maintain the villages’ green spaces, and support the community in any way we can. We are always interested in support from new volunteers, so why not get involved?
We can use support and volunteers in most areas, whether you are good at building stuff, like to deliver flyers while walking your dog, or can help to maintain the village green. You don’t need to offer a full–time commitment: you can help with a single event, or for a few regular hours. The village hall is here for the whole community and it relies on your active support to survive.
Volunteering is a great way to support your local area, get to know new people, and add a valuable dimension to your CV. Universities and colleges, and many businesses, credit voluntary activity when considering applications. Additionally, you can learn a new skill, develop your business skills, and gain social confidence.
The Trust seeks funding from the local community and other funders to support our aim of refurbishing the village hall. Our refurbishment plans are well underway, but there is still more to do. We are a small local charitable organisation and need donations of funds, materials and time to support our aims. Following our initial refurbishment, we have a continuing programme of upgrades planned.
For example, we continue to work on upgrading the decoration of the hall and our toilet facilities need further refurbishment. Additionally, we hope to offer a pizza oven and BBQ facility on–site for our special summer events in the future.
We continue to seek work from reliable tradesmen in the local area. If you can work for us, please get in touch.
Our sponsors
Most importantly, with thanks to the people, enterprises, and other bodies that have donated already. We are grateful for their help and support. There are many ways to sponsor our events and provide financial support to our work. For instance, a few examples are provided below:
The National Lottery Community Fund awarded Lands Village Hall a grant of almost £10,000 in 2023 to fully refurbish our kitchen. Our kitchen was past its useful life and desperately in need of work. The grant awarded by The National Lottery enabled us to completely rebuild the kitchen from ground up. Well, from rafters down, to be precise! Above all, the kitchen is now fully insulated, has new ceilings, walls, and floor, a new commercial stainless steel kitchen, and new equipment. Our volunteers completed the project in about 450 hours of work. Consequently, thanks to the generosity of The National Lottery players, we now have a modern kitchen for our village hall.
Redcentaur Design donated hosting, domain registration and server management to get this website up and running and continue to offer services at a reduced rate, often donating design and print services for our leaflets, flyers, newsletters, and other printed materials.
Zinsser UK donated 100 litres of Zinsser AllCoat paint for the village hall’s refurbishment programme. The paint is perfect for areas affected by damp and mould, so is a perfect solution for Lands Village Hall!