Emergency Alerts test

UK emergency alerts test on 23 April 2023 at 3pm. More information at gov.uk/alerts

In an announcement, the UK Government stated there will be a national test of the new emergency alerts service. The test will commence on Sunday 23 April 2023 at 3pm.

The emergency alerts service is supposed to automatically push a warning to your mobile phone if there is a danger to life incident nearby your location. In an emergency, your mobile phone or tablet should receive an alert providing advice about how to stay safe.

The system should work for all mobile devices, without the UK Government knowing your phone number or tracking current location. This is the first time the UK Government will conduct the emergency alerts test nationally.

Normally, the emergency services (e.g., police, fire), government departments (such as DEFRA), or other public bodies (e.g., Local Authorities), will issue an emergency alert. During an alert, your device may make a loud siren sound, vibrate, or read out the alert for you. This should happen even if you set the device on silent. The alert signal will last for about 10 seconds. The alert will provide a telephone number or link to more information on the GOV.uk website. The alerts are based on your current location not where you live or where you work. You don’t need to use location services or to turn on your device location service to receive alerts.

When you get an alert, you should stop what you are doing when it is safe and follow any instructions in the alert. You must not allow an alert to distract you from driving, or using machinery. Always make sure you are safe and legal before responding to an alert.

You can find out more about this on the UK Government official website at gov.uk/alerts

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