Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting 2023 was held at Lands Village Hall on 1 April 2023 at 3pm. It was notified at the Village Hall and on the Lands Village Hall Facebook page.The meeting was attended by members of the Association and proxy votes were left with the chairman for some members who were unable to attend.

The meeting was chaired by the Chairman of the Association, G Reffin. The purposes of the meeting were:

  • to receive the charity’s reports and accounts for years ended 2021 and 2022 (as a result of a resolution passed at the last Annual General Meeting in November 2020 to extend the interval between AGMs because of COVID);
  • to re–elect G Reffin as Chairman;
  • to re–elect A Deakin as Secretary;
  • to re–elect D Dodd as Treasurer;
  • to re–elect retiring Management Committee trustees: S Dobson, P Dodd, G Gaynor, E Harrison, and C Suddick;
  • to elect nominated Management Committee trustee: D Metcalfe;
  • to approve the appointment of S Townsend as independent examiner of the accounts;
  • to approve the invitation of a representative from Evenwood and Barony Parish Council to attend Management Committee meetings; and,
  • to approve a resolution for the Management Committee to consider changing the charity status to Charity Incorporated Organisation (CIO) to align with legislative changes since the last review of our Governing Document, and to report recommendations back to an Extraordinary General Meeting.

Annual General Meeting resolutions and vote results

Taking into account votes cast by members present at the meeting and proxy votes offered to the Chairman prior to the meeting, the results of the voting on each resolution are as follows:

Resolution 1: To receive the Officers’ Report and Annual Report and Accounts for 2021

For: 10; Against: 0; Abstain: 0

Resolution 2: To receive the Officers’ Report and Annual Report and Accounts for 2022

For: 10; Against: 0; Abstain: 0

Resolution 3: To re–elect G Reffin as Chairman of the Association

For: 9; Against: 0; Abstain: 1

Resolution 4: To re–elect A Deakin as Secretary of the Association

For: 9; Against: 0; Abstain: 1

Resolution 5: To re–elect D Dodd as Treasurer of the Association

For: 9; Against: 0; Abstain: 1

Resolution 6: To re–elect retiring Management Committee members

For: 10; Against: 0; Abstain: 0

Resolution 7: To elect nominated Management Committee member D Metcalfe (proposed: G Reffin, seconded: A Deakin)

For: 9; Against: 0; Abstain: 1

Resolution 8: To approve the appointment of S Townsend as independent examiner of the accounts

For: 10; Against: 0; Abstain: 0

Resolution 9: to approve the invitation of a representative from Evenwood and Barony Parish Council

For: 9; Against: 0; Abstain: 1

Resolution 10: to approve a resolution for the Management Committee to consider changing the charity status to Charity Incorporated Organisation (CIO) to align with legislative changes since the last review of our Governing Document, and to report recommendations back to an Extraordinary General Meeting before the next Annual General Meeting (proposed: G Reffin, seconded: M Steer)

For: 10; Against: 0; Abstain: 0

Having concluded all business before the meeting, G Reffin closed the meeting at 3.45pm.

AGM agenda

Annual Report and Accounts 2021

Annual Report and Accounts 2022

Resolution for Management Committee to consider changing the charity status of the Association to Charity Incorporated Organisation

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